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Thomas Farr Charity

The deadline for applications is Monday 20 January 2025Grants of up to £5,000 are available for organisations working within the areas of education, children and young people, health, or the elderly. The grant can cover project and core costs, including:Activities related to community healthcare.Health education.Projects that help people of any age achieve their educational potential.…

Council Tax Support Scheme survey

The deadline for submissions is Monday 16 December 2024Nottingham City Council is consulting on future options for its Council Tax Support Scheme affecting working age people.Council Tax Support is a discount that helps households on low incomes with their Council Tax bill. Around 19% of households in Nottingham are in receipt of Council Tax Support, and the scheme costs over £30 million a year…

Big Give - Arts for Impact

This fund closed to applications on Wednesday 18 December 2024A seven-day online match funding campaign supporting arts and culture charities working to achieve societal impact across the UK, run in partnership with New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture (NPAC).To be eligible, organisations must:Be a UK-registered charity with a Charity Commission or have tax-exempt status.Have an annual income…

Energy Resilience Fund

There is no stated deadlineThe Energy Resilience Fund (ERF) provides a blended funding package of loan (60%) and grant (40%) to bolster the energy resilience of eligible charities and social enterprises in England. Organisations can apply for between £25,000 to £250,000 (inclusive of 40% grant element). This will be made up of a fixed amount of loan (60%) and grant (40%).The Fund is delivered by…

Broxtowe Employability and Skills Partnership meeting

Helen Oparinde, NCVS Group Support Coordinator was invited to deliver a progress report on the NCVS’s Broxtowe Project at the virtual Broxtowe Employment and Skills Partnership meeting on Thursday 7 November 2024, which was organised by the Planning and Economic Development team at Broxtowe Borough Council.The purpose of the partnership is to influence and steer the employment and skills element…

Helen Oparinde, NCVS Group Support Coordinator
Asylum Welcome Grants

This fund closed to applications on Sunday 26 January 2025Grants of between £1,000 and £2,000 are available for organisations working with people seeking asylum to support and build on their activities as well as develop new ideas for projects that ensure people feel welcome in Nottingham.The criteria for the small grants programme are:Increasing ESOL engagement – encouraging take-up of both…

Can volunteer leaders give Christmas gifts or meals without affecting tax or benefits?

NCVS Volunteering Development Officer, Dave Thomas, has had a number of conversations about giving volunteers Christmas presents. The issue often arises around Volunteers’ Week as well, so he’s done some digging and makes these observations.As Christmas approaches, many leaders of volunteers want to thank their teams for their time and dedication. This often leads to questions like, 'Can we give…

Dave Thomas, NCVS  Volunteering Development Officer
Volunteer Management survey

The deadline to complete this survey is Friday 20 December 2024 VolunteerPro’s 2025 Volunteer Management Progress Report is looking for submissions. This international survey has been running for 10 years, and you can see previous reports here. Your input will help them to share the most current trends in volunteer engagement.This year, they are asking about:The biggest challenges for…

Why keeping a check on your reserves is important post budget

Helen Oparinde, NCVS’s Group Support Coordinator (Broxtowe), and David Saunders, NCVS’s Group Development Officer (Training), have been discussing the withdrawal in September of the Charity Commission’s guidance, How to set a reserves policy for your charity; here, they share their viewpoints with you.It is not that the Charity Commission no longer advises charities to have money in reserve;…

Helen Oparinde and David Saunders are in separate circles connected to one large circle that has a picture of a jar of coins with the writing 'future' on it
Voices from the Frontline fund

This fund closed to spplications on Monday 9 December 2024Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline fund has grants of up to £10,000 over 18 months to not-for-profit women’s and girls' organisations to support campaigning and influencing work that enables women and girls to use their voice to achieve change. Rosa defines a women's and girls' organisation as being run by, for, and with women and girls.…