Big Give - Women and Girls Match Fund

This fund closed for applications on Saturday 22 June 2024. 

Match funding is available for registered charities with an annual income of at least £25,000 dedicated to serving the women and girls in their communities, fostering a future where every individual can thrive without limitations. Unrestricted funds of £2,500, £5,000 or £10,000 can be raised in public donations (to be doubled by match funding).

Eligible charities will:

  • Be registered in the UK with either the Charity Commission, OSCR or NI Charity Commission.
  • Register with (free to register).
  • Work to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls within the UK and internationally.
  • Be led by, for, and with women and girls. To assess this, Big Give will look at whether your governing documents specifically mention women or girls, whether you have a majority female board, who your beneficiaries are, and your web presence (if your organisation has one).

Big Give will prioritise applications from charities that are led by Black and minoritised women and girls, LGBTQI women and girls, or Disabled women and girls. 

The Women and Girls Match Fund utilises Big Give's ‘1:1’ Model of match funding. Women and Girls charities apply to Big Give and have their applications assessed. Successful charities are awarded a sum of match funding that is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the campaign. Learn more about how match funding works.

Click here to read more on the Big Give website, or register and apply now.



Date Posted