Submit an Event

Before completing this form, please ask yourself if the event is relevant for the NCVS website. NCVS does not guarantee to publish all events submitted through this form. 

Primarily, we are interested in listing external events and learning opportunities of benefit to, or aiming to involve, staff, trustees and volunteers of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Nottingham City. Events should take place locally / regionally, or be accessible online. 

We cannot support commercial events and we won't usually consider training opportunities or conferences priced beyond the reach of most smaller community organisations. 

All submissions are reviewed and require approval before being published to the website. Events will be approved for publication on the NCVS website at our discretion, taking into account our aims and mission. NCVS will remove information where we consider the event details to be inappropriate for our key audiences.


Your organisation
Start typing your organisation name. Continue typing if your organisation doesn't appear immediately in the results list, or try a specific word in your name. Select your organisation name from the list. If you can't find your organisation you will be unable to continue with this form. We ask that you please email with your enquiry, and we will check our records.
Your name and contact details
Event Details

You can use the calendar icon to easily add a date. Remember to also add appropriate start and end times in hours / minutes (you can select times in 15 minute intervals).

Please enter one sentence only.
Enter 'Free to attend' if no cost.
Please provide a link to your event registration form, or other web link (if relevant) where more information is available. The full website address needs to be entered (including the lead http:// or https:// elements).

Data Privacy and Conditions of Use:

NCVS uses the information you provide on this form to produce event listings on our website. Your details will be stored on the NCVS database so that we can communicate with you about this event submission and to check the information, if necessary. We may also contact you to suggest other ways you can promote your activities. Your contact details are not made public and will not be published to the site unless you include these details in the 'How to book/Who to contact' section or in the 'Event description'.

We do not use the information on this form for any other purpose and your private data will not be shared outside of NCVS. You have the right to ask for access to any of the personal information that NCVS holds about you.

By submitting this form you are confirming that the event organiser has authorised you to share information in this way, and that the details submitted are factually correct. NCVS will read and review all submissions before publication. However, it is your responsibility to keep us informed should details change or events be cancelled / postponed.

NCVS does not guarantee to publish all events submitted through this form. Events will be approved for publication on the NCVS website at our discretion, taking into account our aims and mission. NCVS will remove information where we consider the event details to be inappropriate for our key audiences. Should this be the case, we will do our best to inform you.

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