Voice and Partnerships

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It is part of our mission to be a strong strategic voice for the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. We have an important role in helping to facilitate representative partnerships which recognise the strengths, challenges and interests of our diverse sector. Here are some ways you can have a say.

Getting involved

Networks provide a valuable voice for the voluntary sector in local, regional and national policy planning and development, leading to improved service delivery for all communities.

There are many voluntary sector networks and examples of cross-sector partnerships in Nottingham and surrounding areas. Some of these are co-ordinated by NCVS. Others we participate in, or draw your attention to, so that we can share information from and with the sector, and help to facilitate meaningful dialogue.

There are a series of major strategic boards across the city that can make decisions which affect the voluntary sector. We aim to keep you informed about key developments through the links on our Networks page. We'll also let you know how and when you can have a seat around the various tables.

Important partnership areas for NCVS

At any one time, NCVS is involved in many collaborative and strategic partnerships. Discover some of our significant programme partnerships in the Projects section of this website, including the Practice Development Unit and GreenSpace (green social prescribing project).

Other health and social care partnerships include:

  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS)
    The Health and Care Bill 2022 created Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) as replacements for Clinical Commissioning Groups, and established in law the role of Integrated Care Partnerships as the committee where health, social care, the voluntary sector and other partners come together as an Integrated Care System (ICS). The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS is a partnership and collaboration that brings together NHS services, local authorities and other local partners across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to collectively plan and deliver joined up health and care services to improve the lives of our population. NCVS is named as a partner in the ICS, facilitating the involvement of voluntary and community organisations.

  • Project Manager for Social Prescribing and Community Development
    NCVS hosts a Project Manager for Social Prescribing and Community Development. This role is employed in direct partnership with the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and sits within the ICB to increase partnership and system-wide working within the area of Social Prescribing. The role seeks to support the development of social prescribing across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire by establishing relationships across voluntary, faith and community organisations that are providing personalised and holistic health and wellbeing solutions for individuals who have a Social Prescribing Link Worker.

    This role also aims to increase influence and impact across health systems from the perspective of the VCSE sector, and we welcome anybody who works strategically or operationally across voluntary organisations to reach out and find out more. Solutions being looked at by the Project Manager include: creating clearer pathways for social prescribing for professionals; community asset mapping and digital solutions to directories; volunteering on “prescription” and researching the benefits of volunteering to one’s health; creating opportunities for partnership and connection across health roles and VCSE organisations.

    To find out more and be introduced to our Project Manager for Social Prescribing and Community Development, please email ncvs@nottinghamcvs.co.uk.

  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire VCSE Alliance
    NCVS has worked with colleagues across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to develop a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance. This Alliance will allow us to organise our sector collectively and at scale to be embedded in the newly formed Health & Care structures across our Integrated Care System (ICS). There is now a VCSE Alliance website which includes useful resources and information about how to get involved. You will find video presentations from recent meetings which may be helpful in explaining the local Integrated Care System (ICS) and Integrated Care Board (ICB).


Policy engagement and awareness-raising

We can help connect the local voluntary sector to those in the city making the decisions.

The way the government runs the country is ever changing, and this can affect the ways voluntary sector organisations do their work. We aim to stay aware of the latest changes to government policy or procedure so that we can keep the local voluntary sector informed about what reforms might mean, and how they might affect our work in Nottingham.

We do this through news articles and via our fortnightly e-bulletin by highlighting publications and surveys that require comment/feedback. Where relevant, we also help to organise consultation events and briefing sessions, bringing voluntary sector voices together with key decision-makers.

For example, with our help the Bank of England has invited local representatives to a series of roundtable meetings at NCVS to hear how financial pressures are affecting the lives of local people.

Researching, learning and collaborating

NCVS is involved in conducting and supporting research across the sector. Our State of the Sector work has anonymously surveyed Nottingham voluntary and community organisations to try and understand how the sector is managing to deliver its services.

We are also working with others involved in supporting and recruiting volunteers across the city to deliver a new Volunteering Strategy for Nottingham.


We always welcome your input. Please share your ideas and questions, or details of networks and involvement opportunities we may have missed, by emailing ncvs@nottinghamcvs.co.uk.