Request Support Form

Please complete the following form for our team to assess how we can best support you and/or your group or organisation. Please provide as much information as possible. Unfortunately, we are not currently able to offer support in all cases due to funding restrictions. If this is the case we aim to refer you to other support options. 

Your Contact Details
Area of support required

If you can, please select the area(s) or type(s) of support you are looking for. You will have the chance to describe your support needs in more detail at the bottom of this form.

We recommend that you only select the 'Setting up a new group' option if you are still at the early ideas stage and don't yet have a working name for your group. Please don't use this option if your main group/organisation is already established, and you are looking to set up a new service area or project under that group's umbrella.

By checking 'Setting up a new group' we assume you don't yet have an established organisational name and address.

We therefore ask you to provide your own personal address (at least a postcode), so we know where you are based.

If you would like to provide your organisation's name and address instead, please uncheck 'Setting up a new group' above, and those fields will become available.

Your Address
Please provide at least a postcode so we know where you are based. This can help should we need to signpost you to another support organisation.
Your Group / Organisation
If you are looking for support to set up a new group / organisation which doesn't yet have a name, select the 'Setting up a new group' box above. For all other enquiries, please provide organisation details.
Organisation Address
Please provide at least a postcode within the address details so we know where your organisation is located. This can help should we need to signpost you to another support organisation.
Group / Organisation Details
Where do (or will) your services primarily take place?
In Nottingham City where do (or will) your services primarily take place?

This is a list of electoral wards in Nottingham City. Boundaries may be different to local neighbourhoods / districts of Nottingham, so please provide your best approximation if you are unsure.

Are your services primarily aimed at any of the following groups / communities?

Please identify only those groups receiving the majority of your organisation's focus, or where you are looking to set up a new project predominantly to support these groups / communities. This can help us to identify who is best placed to offer support, including referring you to other organisations where necessary.

How is your group set up?
Your Enquiry in more detail
What are you hoping Nottingham CVS can help you with? Please provide as much detail as you can about your organisation's aims and activities (or what you hope to provide), and what your specific support needs are currently. It is especially important that you provide some background information about your organisation if this is your first contact with Nottingham CVS.

Data Privacy:

NCVS records and monitors the support we provide to groups as a way to evidence the value of our work, to assess need in local communities, and to help us deliver a timely and quality service. We store details submitted via this webform on our contact database. Your data will be protected and processed securely according to GDPR regulations. We process personal information for legitimate business interests which help us to enhance our services as well as provide benefits to you.

We use this data to communicate with you about your support needs, and to keep you updated about opportunities that can benefit your organisation's development. We do not use the information on this form for any other purpose and your data will not be shared outside of NCVS. You have the right to ask for access to any of the personal information that NCVS holds about you.

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