Volunteer Account Registration

What information do we collect, and how is this used? Link to Volunteer Account Privacy Policy.

Your details

An email address is always required as a minimum. This is required to manage your account, and will always be shared with the host organisation when you apply for an opportunity through this website. Read our Volunteer Account Privacy Policy.

Including a phone number can help you to be contacted promptly when applying for volunteer opportunities. You can choose if phone / postal address details are shown to the host organisation when sending each enquiry.

Your Address
We ask for your postcode and the Nottingham City electoral ward area you live in to monitor whether sufficient volunteer opportunities are available in the areas our enquirers are from, and to assess how far volunteers may be prepared to travel. This helps us work with local organisations to potentially develop new volunteering opportunities in specified areas.
This is an alphabetical listing of Nottingham city's electoral wards. If you don't know your ward area or live outside of Nottingham city, choose the relevant option from the bottom of the list. You can do a Google search to find your ward by searching for your postcode followed by the word ward. E.g. 'NG1 3FB ward' tells you it's in St Ann's.
Volunteer Details
What Kind of Roles are you Interested In?

Please choose no more than 3. Making a selection here won't limit the types of roles you will be able to view, search and apply for. We only ask this to help our staff understand the local demand for certain types of volunteer opportunities.

Are you a student?
NCVS has good relationships with the volunteering officers in local colleges and universities, and we work together to provide the best volunteer experiences for students. Your answer helps monitor how many people we support from different institutions. We only pass on the number of enquiries to each college/university. Your personal details will not be shared
Volunteer Account Privacy Policy

Please confirm you have read and agree to the Volunteer Account Privacy Policy.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.