PDU Working with Neurodivergent Adults Community of Practice

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What is the Working with Neurodivergent Adults Community of Practice?

The Practice Development Unit (PDU) Working with Neurodivergent Adults Community of Practice (CoP) is an online forum for professionals, volunteers and people with lived experience to consider ways for services to more effectively meet the needs of their neurodiverse clients.

There is a growing body of evidence that people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) are more likely to have a neurological difference, either in the form of a brain injury, or a neurodevelopmental condition such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), autism or a learning disability.

This CoP is delivered in partnership with colleagues from Autistic Nottingham, who are able to offer insights from a lived experience perspective.

The intersection of neurodiversity and SMD is complex and understanding these dynamics is crucial for effective support and intervention.

Neurodiversity and SMD

Who can join?
This CoP is open to anyone with an interest in, or passion for, understanding neurodiversity, and who has a commitment to improving the way that services are designed and delivered so they are more inclusive of individuals who are neurodivergent.

We welcome people with lived experience of SMD and/or neurological differences to join this CoP, as well as professionals and volunteers across sectors.


The group has been meeting every few months, usually on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 noon. All our sessions are online and are facilitated via Zoom.

Our sessions for 2024:

  • Thursday 15 February 2024 - our theme was "Understanding the nexus of neurodiversity, addiction, and homelessness"
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - our theme was "Navigating vulnerability: understanding the increased risks for neurodivergent individuals"

Future meetings are currently on hold.  The organisers will be updating this group's previous attendees / mailing list regulars in the upcoming months about ongoing plans and scheduled sessions.

If you weren't previously involved in this CoP and would like to be added to the mailing list to receive updates on rescheduled sessions, please email the Practice Development Unit (PDU) Team: pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk

Do I have to attend all the meetings?
Our network is rooted in partnership. We want to ensure a diverse range of services and voices are represented. In order to gain maximum learning, we encourage participants to attend all sessions or nominate a colleague to attend on their behalf to promote consistency within the membership.

Are the sessions recorded?
Although we don’t record our sessions, we do record our presentations so that these can be viewed after our events. We also circulate useful resources from our discussions to help share learning and good practice.

What can I expect from attending?
A supportive peer led forum with a wide cross agency membership.

  • Be supported to reflect on neurodivergent needs within your own organisation
  • Explore what steps you might take to develop inclusive approaches
  • Opportunity to work through challenges with peers
  • Share your own experience of neurodivergence/ expertise and good practice
  • Gain insight into the lived experience perspective.

Themes of previous sessions have included:

  • Understanding Bereavement and Coping Strategies in Neurodivergent individuals
  • Understanding Diagnostic Criteria- DSM 5 and what this means in practice
  • Criminal Justice and Autism
  • Communication
  • Anxiety and Change.

Want to learn more?

We have created a briefing pack to explain the context to our group and share details of the format and content of our meetings and the benefits of membership, and a poster. View a copy and share as appropriate with your networks

PDU Working with Neurodivergent Adults Community of Practice (CoP) Briefing Pack

PDU Working with Neurodivergent Adults Community of Practice (CoP) Poster

How can I join the CoP mailing list?
If you are interested in this CoP and would like to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any further questions, please email the Practice Development Unit (PDU) Team: pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk